Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Robbing God

What am I aftraid of? If God is for me who can stand against me? Bring all the tithes into the storehouse and all my offerings and will not God supply all my needs? Will he not give heaping, shaken and pressed down so much that I can't contain it? Am I building a house of panels and cedars, while the Lord's house is in ruin? Holes in my pockets? Who am I to doubt God? Is His arm too short? Trust in me and I have myself to blame. If I trust God with my money, I have Him to blame. God is blameless. Can a man rob God? But I need insurance. Really? I know they have my best interests at heart! But I need TV! Really? I'm such a better person for it. But my house is too small? Really, the son of Man had no place to lay his head. But I need retirement? Where is retirement in the Bible? Who will take care of me when I'm old. Really? Didn't Moses walk Mt. Sinai and live to a ripe old age? Haven't my heroes in the faith lived full lives until they passed, and they never saw the likes of nursing homes. Who will pay for my children's college? Doesn't God give them wisdom for SATs and the like?

I've been testing the waters of faith, sometimes even getting waist deep, but the water is cold. Why not jump in? At least it's not lukewarm. God, push me in and float me there, cause fighting the current is getting old.


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